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Lisa Hayes
Home Selling Expert

Modern Method of Auction: The Truth And Facts [Updated May, 2024]

Home | Guides | Modern Method of Auction: The Truth And Facts [Updated May, 2024]

By Lisa Hayes (Quick Sale Industry Expert)

What is a modern method of auction?

Hi there, I’m Lisa Hayes, a seasoned property expert at Ready Steady Sell. Today, I want to dive deep into the world of modern method auctions and provide you with a comprehensive guide on this innovative approach to selling your home quickly and efficiently.

As a mother and an expert in the quick house sale industry, I understand the importance of finding the right method to sell your property, especially when time is of the essence. The modern method of auction has gained popularity in recent years and offers homeowners a unique alternative to traditional auction or private sale.

So, what exactly is a modern method of auction? It’s a property sales method that combines elements of traditional auctions and private sales, providing a fair and transparent process for both buyers and sellers. In this type of auction, properties are marketed for a predetermined period, usually around 30 days, giving potential buyers the opportunity to place bids on the property.

The auction takes place online, allowing for a wider reach and greater convenience for potential buyers. It’s important to note that the modern method of auction is primarily used for residential properties, although commercial properties can also be sold using this method.

Key Features of Modern Method of Auction

Before we delve into the benefits and drawbacks of the modern method of auction, let’s take a look at some key features that set it apart from other selling methods:

  1. Fixed and Transparent Fees: Unlike traditional auctions, the modern method of auction typically includes fixed fees for both buyers and sellers. This means you know exactly what you’ll be paying, ensuring transparency and peace of mind throughout the process.
  2. Predetermined Completion Timescales: With a modern method of auction, completion timescales are agreed upon before the auction begins. This provides certainty and allows sellers to plan for their next move with confidence.
  3. Security and Peace of Mind: The modern method of auction requires a non-refundable reservation fee from the buyer upon acceptance of their bid. This provides a level of commitment and reduces the likelihood of sales falling through.
  4. Flexible Reserves: Sellers have the flexibility to set a reserve price, which is the minimum price they’re willing to accept for their property. This ensures that the property will not sell for less than the desired amount, giving sellers greater control over the process.
  5. Competitive Bidding: As the auction takes place online, potential buyers can bid at any time during the marketing period, creating a competitive atmosphere and potentially driving up the final sale price.

Now that you have a better understanding of what a modern method of auction entails, let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of this innovative selling method in the next section.


The Benefits of Modern Method of Auction

As a seasoned property expert in the quick house sale industry, I have witnessed the rise of modern method of auction and its numerous benefits for homeowners in the UK. Whether you are looking to sell your property quickly or achieve a fair market price, the modern method of auction offers several advantages over traditional auctions and private sales. Let’s delve into the benefits of modern method of auction and why it may be the right choice for you:

1. Speed and Certainty:

One of the greatest advantages of the modern method of auction is its speed and certainty. Unlike traditional auctions where completion can take several months, modern auctions offer a fast and streamlined process. Typically, the sale is completed within 28 days of the auction, providing you with a quick and secure sale.

Key Fact: The modern method of auction reduces the average completion time from months to just weeks.

2. Competitive Bidding:

Modern method of auction creates a platform for competitive bidding, which can potentially drive up the final sale price of your property. Multiple potential buyers can actively bid against each other, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging higher offers.

Statistic: Properties sold through modern method of auction can achieve up to 15% higher prices compared to private sales.

3. Access to a Wider Market:

By working with an auction provider, your property is exposed to a wider market, including investors, cash buyers, and first-time buyers. This increased exposure can lead to a larger pool of potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Tip: Choose an auction provider with a strong marketing strategy to ensure maximum exposure for your property.

4. Transparency:

The modern method of auction offers greater transparency compared to traditional auctions. All bids are visible to all participants, ensuring a fair and open bidding process. This transparency gives sellers peace of mind, knowing that they are achieving the best possible price for their property.

5. Non-Refundable Reservation Fee:

Another benefit of modern method of auction is the non-refundable reservation fee paid by the winning bidder. This fee is typically 2-4% of the sale price and is paid immediately upon winning the auction. The non-refundable nature of this fee provides sellers with an additional layer of security and eliminates the risk of deals falling through at the last minute.

Key Fact: The non-refundable reservation fee acts as a commitment from the buyer, reducing the likelihood of the sale falling through.

In conclusion, the modern method of auction offers numerous benefits for homeowners looking to sell their properties quickly and at a fair market price. Its speed, competitive bidding environment, wider market reach, transparency, and non-refundable reservation fee all contribute to a successful and hassle-free selling experience. If you prioritize convenience, certainty, and the opportunity to achieve a higher sale price, the modern method of auction may be the perfect solution for you.

The Drawbacks of Modern Method of Auction

While the modern method of auction offers several advantages, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks before deciding if this method is right for you. Here are some potential drawbacks to keep in mind:

  1. Higher fees and costs

    Compared to traditional auctions, the modern method of auction may come with higher fees and costs. This can include entry fees, advertising fees, and auctioneer fees. It is important to carefully review and compare the costs associated with different auction providers to ensure you are getting a fair deal.

  2. Uncertain sale price

    Unlike traditional auctions where the highest bidder wins, the modern method of auction allows the seller to set a reserve price. This means that there is no guarantee of the final sale price until the auction has concluded. While this can be seen as an advantage for buyers, it can create uncertainty for sellers who may not receive the desired price for their property.

  3. Limited control over the sales process

    When using the modern method of auction, sellers have less control over the sales process compared to private treaty sales. The auction provider and auctioneer will handle the marketing, viewings, and negotiations, which can be a disadvantage for sellers who prefer to have more control over these aspects of the sale.

  4. Additional pressure to sell

    Once a property is listed for auction, there is a set time frame for bidding to take place. This can create additional pressure on the seller to accept an offer, even if it may not be the most ideal. Additionally, if the property does not sell within the auction time frame, it may be perceived as “unsellable” in the market, which can make it more difficult to attract potential buyers in the future.

  5. Potential delay in completion

    While the modern method of auction can offer a quick and streamlined selling process, there is still a risk of delays in completing the sale. Factors such as buyer financing, legal issues, or other complications can arise, causing delays in the completion of the transaction. It is important to be prepared for potential delays and have a backup plan in case the sale does not proceed as expected.

Despite these potential drawbacks, the modern method of auction can still be a viable option for many sellers, especially for those looking for a quick sale or who want to reach a wider pool of potential buyers. It is important to carefully evaluate your own circumstances and goals before deciding if this method is right for you.

How Modern Method of Auction Works

The modern method of auction is a popular alternative to the traditional method of selling a property. It offers a transparent and efficient way to sell your house quickly and at a fair price. In this section, I will explain how the modern method of auction works and provide you with all the key information you need to successfully navigate this process.

1. Choosing an Auction Provider

The first step in the modern method of auction is to choose a reputable auction provider. There are several auction houses and online platforms that offer this service, so it’s important to do your research and select a provider that has a good track record and positive customer reviews.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing an auction provider:

  1. Experience and reputation: Look for a provider with years of experience in the industry and a solid reputation for delivering successful auctions.
  2. Marketing strategy: Find out how the auction provider plans to market your property and attract potential buyers. A strong marketing strategy is crucial for a successful auction.
  3. Online platform: If you’re considering an online auction, make sure the provider has a user-friendly platform that allows for easy bidding and communication.
  4. Fees and costs: Understand the fees and costs involved in the auction process. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you’ll be paying for and ensure there are no hidden charges.

2. Valuation and Reserve Price

Once you’ve chosen an auction provider, the next step is to have your property valued and set a reserve price. The reserve price is the minimum amount you’re willing to accept for your property and acts as a safety net to ensure you don’t sell for less than your desired price.

It’s important to work closely with your auction provider to determine an accurate valuation and set a realistic reserve price. The reserve price should be set at a level that attracts interest from potential buyers while still safeguarding your financial expectations.

3. Marketing and Promotion

One of the key advantages of the modern method of auction is the comprehensive marketing and promotion of your property. Your auction provider will employ various marketing strategies to attract potential buyers, including:

  • Online listings: Your property will be advertised on popular property portals and the auction provider’s website, reaching a wide audience of potential buyers.
  • Offline marketing: The auction provider may also use offline marketing methods such as newspaper advertisements, flyers, and brochures to promote your property.
  • Social media advertising: Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are powerful tools for reaching targeted audiences. Your auction provider may use paid social media advertising to maximize exposure.

By utilizing a range of marketing channels, the auction provider aims to generate interest and attract potential buyers to bid on your property.

4. Bidding Process

Once your property is listed for auction, potential buyers can place bids on your property through the auction platform. The bidding process typically lasts for a specified period, such as 30 days, giving buyers ample time to submit their bids.

It’s important to note that the modern method of auction operates under certain rules and regulations. For example, the auction provider may have a “no bid withdrawal” policy, meaning that once a bid is placed, it cannot be retracted. This ensures a fair and transparent process for all parties involved.

5. Completion and Exchange

If your property attracts a winning bid that meets or exceeds the reserve price, the auction provider will notify you and the buyer. At this point, the buyer will pay a reservation fee, which is a non-refundable sum that secures their purchase of the property.

The next steps involve the regular conveyancing process, where legal professionals handle the necessary paperwork and arrangements to complete the sale. Upon completion, the buyer will pay the remaining balance and take ownership of the property.

6. Timeframe

The modern method of auction is known for its speed and efficiency. Unlike traditional methods of selling a property, the auction process can be completed within a matter of weeks. This is particularly beneficial for homeowners who are looking for a quick sale or need to sell their property within a specific timeframe.

7. Costs and Fees

It’s important to understand the costs and fees associated with the modern method of auction. While the auction provider may charge fees for their services, these costs are typically offset by the higher sale price achieved through the competitive bidding process.

Here are some common costs and fees you may encounter:

Cost/Fee Explanation
Auction House Fee This fee covers the auction provider’s services, including marketing, listing, and managing the auction process. It is usually a percentage of the final sale price.
Reservation Fee This fee is paid by the buyer to secure their purchase of the property. It is usually non-refundable and deducted from the final sale price.
Legal Fees You may need to hire a solicitor or conveyancer to handle the legal aspects of the sale. Their fees vary and should be discussed in detail before engaging their services.
Valuation Fee A qualified valuer will assess the value of your property. This fee may be payable upfront or incorporated into the auction house fee.

It’s important to review and understand all costs and fees before committing to the modern method of auction. Your auction provider should provide you with a breakdown of all expected expenses and answer any questions you may have.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of how the modern method of auction works, you can confidently explore this option as a way to sell your property quickly and at a fair price. Remember to choose a reputable auction provider, set a realistic reserve price, and carefully review all costs and fees involved.

In the next section, I will address some common myths and misconceptions about the modern method of auction. Stay tuned!

The Truth About Modern Method of Auction: Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions

As a seasoned property expert in the quick house sale industry, I often come across homeowners who have misconceptions about the modern method of auction. There are several myths and misunderstandings that surround this innovative approach to selling a property, and in this section, I aim to debunk these misconceptions and provide you with the truth about modern method of auction.

Myth 1: Modern method of auction is only for desperate sellers.

This is one of the most common misconceptions about modern method of auction. Many homeowners believe that opting for this method means they are in a rush to sell their property. However, this is far from the truth. The modern method of auction is simply an alternative way to sell a property quickly and efficiently, and it can be used by any homeowner who wants to achieve a fast and hassle-free sale.

In fact, the modern method of auction is often preferred by sellers who are looking to avoid the uncertainties and delays of traditional estate agents and open market sales. It offers a transparent and secure process, giving sellers the assurance that their property will sell within a specified timeframe.

Myth 2: Modern method of auction is only suitable for undesirable properties.

Another misconception is that modern method of auction is only suitable for properties that are in poor condition or struggle to attract buyers. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The modern method of auction caters to a wide range of properties, including residential, commercial, land, and even unique or luxury properties.

Whether your property is in perfect condition or requires some renovations, modern method of auction can be an effective way to generate interest and secure a sale. The robust marketing strategies employed by auction providers ensure that your property reaches a wider audience, attracting motivated buyers who are actively looking to make a purchase.

Myth 3: Modern method of auction is risky and unreliable.

Some homeowners are skeptical about the reliability of modern method of auction due to the misconceptions surrounding the industry. However, it’s important to note that modern method of auction is regulated by professional bodies such as The Property Ombudsman and the National Association of Property Buyers (NAPB).

Furthermore, reputable auction providers conduct thorough due diligence on potential buyers, ensuring that only qualified and committed bidders are able to participate in the auction process. This minimizes the risk of failed sales or financial uncertainties.

Myth 4: Modern method of auction is expensive.

Contrary to popular belief, selling a property through the modern method of auction is not inherently expensive. While there may be some fees associated with the auction process, these costs are generally agreed upon upfront, providing sellers with transparency and certainty.

In fact, modern method of auction can often result in better financial outcomes for sellers. The competitive bidding environment can drive the final sale price above the property’s initial valuation, maximizing the return on investment for sellers.

Myth 5: Modern method of auction is complicated and time-consuming.

One of the major advantages of the modern method of auction is its simplicity and efficiency. The process is straightforward and can be completed within a relatively short timeframe.

Upon instruction, your property will be thoroughly evaluated and an auction pack will be created, containing all the necessary legal documentation and information about your property. Marketing strategies will be implemented to attract potential buyers, and the auction will take place either online or in a physical auction room.

Once the hammer falls and the auction is complete, the buyer is legally bound to complete the purchase, and the transaction is usually completed within 28 days or a timeframe agreed upon by both parties.

Top Tips for a Successful Modern Method of Auction

To ensure a successful modern method of auction, here are some valuable tips:

  1. Choose a reputable auction provider: Research and select an experienced and reputable auction provider who is a member of professional bodies, such as NAPB.
  2. Set a realistic reserve price: Work closely with your auction provider to determine a suitable reserve price that attracts potential buyers and encourages competitive bidding.
  3. Optimize your property’s presentation: Ensure your property is well-presented and prepare it for viewings. Consider staging or making minor improvements to enhance its appeal.
  4. Implement effective marketing strategies: Collaborate with your auction provider to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that targets the right audience and maximizes exposure.
  5. Stay engaged throughout the process: Maintain regular communication with your auction provider and stay updated on the progress of your property’s marketing and auction.

By following these tips, you can increase the chances of a successful sale through the modern method of auction.

Choosing the Right Auction Provider

The choice of auction provider plays a crucial role in the success of your modern method of auction. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an auction provider:

  • Reputation and experience: Look for auction providers with a strong reputation and extensive experience in the property industry.
  • Regulation and accreditation: Ensure the auction provider is regulated by professional bodies and holds relevant accreditations.
  • Marketing strategies: Evaluate the auction provider’s marketing strategies and assess how they will promote your property to potential buyers.
  • Transparent fees and services: Ask for a breakdown of fees and understand the services provided by the auction provider.
  • Customer reviews and testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous sellers to gain insight into their experiences with the auction provider.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose an auction provider that best suits your needs and enhances your chances of a successful auction.

Real-Life Examples: How Modern Method of Auction Has Helped Sellers

To illustrate the effectiveness of the modern method of auction, let’s take a look at a couple of real-life examples:

Case Study 1 Case Study 2
A detached family home in Gateshead, UK, had been on the market for several months with no offers. The homeowners decided to switch to the modern method of auction and received multiple bids, driving the final sale price above expectations. An investor from London was looking to expand their property portfolio and came across a unique listed building in Newcastle. Through the modern method of auction, the investor successfully secured the property at a competitive price, completing the transaction within the agreed timeframe.

These examples highlight how the modern method of auction can effectively sell properties, regardless of their location or condition.

The modern method of auction is a reliable and efficient way to sell your property quickly, contrary to popular misconceptions. By understanding the truth about modern method of auction, debunking myths, and following the tips provided, you can confidently explore this alternative method and achieve a successful sale.

Further Resources

Here are some additional resources that provide more information on the modern method of auction:


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is the modern method of auction suitable for all types of properties?

    A: Yes, the modern method of auction can be used for all types of properties, including residential, commercial, and land. Whether you have a small apartment or a large family home, this auction method can be a viable option for selling your property quickly.

    Q: How does the modern method of auction differ from traditional auctions?

    A: The modern method of auction differs from traditional auctions in several ways. Firstly, it allows for a longer auction period, typically 30-45 days, giving potential buyers more time to make their offers. Secondly, the buyer pays a non-refundable reservation fee and agrees to complete the purchase within a set timeframe, reducing the chances of a sale falling through. Lastly, the auction process takes place online, making it more accessible and convenient for both buyers and sellers.

    Q: Are there any costs involved for the seller?

    A: Yes, there are some costs involved for the seller when using the modern method of auction. These may include an auction entry fee, marketing fees, and legal fees. However, these costs can often be offset by the higher sale price achieved through the auction process.

    Q: Can I set a reserve price for my property?

    A: Yes, as the seller, you can set a reserve price for your property. The reserve price is the minimum amount you are willing to sell your property for, and if this price is not reached during the auction, the property will not be sold.

    Q: Can I accept an offer before the auction ends?

    A: Yes, it is possible to accept an offer before the auction ends if you receive an offer that meets your requirements. This is known as an “early offer” and can be a way to secure a quick sale without waiting for the auction to conclude.

    Q: What happens if my property doesn’t sell at auction?

    A: If your property doesn’t sell at auction, you have a few options. You can relist the property for auction, consider other selling methods such as private treaty, or potentially negotiate with any interested parties who didn’t meet the reserve price during the auction.

    Q: How long does it take to complete the sale after the auction ends?

    A: The completion time after the auction ends can vary, but it is typically around 28 days. This allows the buyer to arrange their finances, complete any necessary surveys or inspections, and prepare for the completion of the purchase.

    Q: Are there any risks involved with the modern method of auction?

    A: Like any selling method, there are some risks involved with the modern method of auction. The main risk for sellers is that the property may not achieve the desired sale price. However, with proper research, setting a realistic reserve price, and choosing a reputable auction provider, these risks can be minimized.

    Q: Can I use the modern method of auction to buy a property?

    A: Yes, the modern method of auction can be used by buyers as well. If you’re interested in purchasing a property through this auction method, you can browse the listings on auction platforms and place your bid during the auction period.

    Q: Is the modern method of auction regulated?

    A: The modern method of auction is not currently regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). However, auction providers must still adhere to legal requirements and best practices, ensuring transparency and fairness in the auction process.

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Lisa Hayes

Lisa Hayes

I am the co-owner of Ready Steady Sell. We built this website to arm homeowners with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate the quick sale industry.

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